Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Summer, summer, summer!

It is indeed, almost summer! And man, am I pumped! This school year, I've come to know a lot of people and make new/more friends! It's so cool! I'm just hoping that we all still are willing to hang out with each other over the vacation, otherwise what will the point of summer be? I'm not going anywhere exciting during summer, though. I kind of wish I had cousins who lived out of this freakin' state so then I'd have an excuse to go somewhere legit!! In Arizona, it's just hot, hot, hot with not a whole lot to do! And where I live, you have to drive hours on hours to get to some place that's cool, but then you have to worry about getting back home in time for something! Not cool.
Anyways, are any of you going somewhere neat this summer? Comment about it, I wanna hear!


  1. I'm going all over the place. Btw, love the picture of Roxy! Who drew that? you?

  2. Wow, lucky! And yes, I did draw that! :D
