Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hunger Games!

Man! Those are some good books! How many of you guys have read the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins? They are WICKED-sweet! Katniss, Peeta, and the gang are all totally amazing, the story line is addicting, and I can't stand to put them down! They're right up there with Harry Potter! These books point at Twilight and laugh maniacally, taunting it with it's amazing literature! Those of you who haven't read it... DO! It's as simple as that. I haven't had a good book since the Harry Potter series, so the Hunger Games were more than I expected! Hooray, hooray!

Sorry about my book guys, by the way, it's just that... I know what I want to happen, I just don't know how I'll get it there! So, maybe you guys could write me an idea on the comments or something? It'd be much appreciated! LET THE HUNGER GAMES LIVE ON FOREVER!



  1. I already suggested adding another guy into the story to add conflict. Meheheheh...I love creating twisting plots.

  2. I got those at Christmas... 2 years ago. Christmas before last. yep. From my cousin. I love her.

  3. Oh yeah for ideas. Well maybe you should start explaining why Blake was in New York in the first place talking to her when she wasn't a vampire and all the time had a girl friend back home at a magical vampire place thing. That could help.

  4. Indeed! I like that idea! I e-mailed you mine, like I said, it was just to get the juices flowin! AND I FINISHED CATCHING FIRE!!
