Monday, July 5, 2010

(Ew) Eclipse

I'm going to be one of those movie reviewer-people, okay? The movie to review- Eclipse.
While girls scream the name "Edward, Jacob, Robert, Taylor," I just go into the movie, hoping none of my guy friends see me go in. The first two movies were awful, but I thought I'd give the third a shot. Once inside, there was this cool lady who offered us seats next to her, RIGHT IN THE CENTER! (Now I'm Team Lady-in-the-seat-next-to-us!) The movie begins playing, and I'm already beggining to get the giggles! Let's just say, through out the whole movie, you can only hear me snorting in laughter into Raven's arm. I didn't want some crazed fan to tackle me because I was too loud. I'm also a Team Charlie, just because that guy keeps it real. Oh, but the best part is what Raven told me afterwards. The same lady sitting next to us? When Edward grumbled in his flared-nostriled way, "Doesn't he own a shirt?" The lady said, "Luckily for me he doesn't!" So the only GOOD part about that whole freakin' movie, was the laughter I got from it! STUPIDEST MOVIE EVA! I hate the Twilight Series. Two thumbs down.


  1. I'm no Twihard, but some people do say Eclipse is good . . . I dunno what to make of it. I'm more of Team Sensible, which Eclipse is not. :P

  2. Haha, good for you! I totally respect that. I wish I just had never heard of the whole series in the first place.

  3. Akov says I'm Team Lack-of-sanity-and-sense, that good?

    Tamiki: *laughs*
    Akov: Why must you be this way?

  4. Roxy: Icewolf, I say "Join the club!" Justin is the clubs captain! :)

  5. Oh COME ON!!! We ALL know that your favorite part of the movie was watching me do Edward and Bella impressions (with flared nostrils and crossed eyes!!!!) DUH!!!!

  6. You Better believe it buddy! It was amazingly accurate!
